Changing Ecosystems

Suburban Ecology: Exotic Invasives & Our Changing Ecosystems

Suburban Ecology: Exotic Invasives & Our Changing Ecosystems

Twenty years ago it was a diverse forest. So full you could not see into it. So many species of trees; birch, beach, oak, ash and tulip trees. The understory was also full with viburnum, chokeberry, witch hazel and azaleas. Today most of the native understory has been eaten by an out of control deer population, and in its place has grown what we call exotic invasive’s.

Exotic Invasives & Deer - How They Are Changing Ecosystems In New Jersey

Exotic Invasives & Deer - How They Are Changing Ecosystems In New Jersey

There are plants you should never purchase or plant, exotic invasives are one of them. Japanese Barberry and Burning Bush are some in my New Jersey area that are causing damage. These plants should never be sold either, but they are still staples in some nurseries.